We celebrate the little things like babies sleeping through the night or trips to the dentist with no cavities or getting to eat a donut that contains your daily allotment of calories. Because little things are really big things in disguise!
We celebrate holidays like Christmas and Easter and Valentines day and the Olympic opening ceremonies (DUH). Because holidays are holiYAY! :)
We celebrate those obscure, but oh so fun, daily holidays like “national taco day” or “hug your neighbor day”. Because life is WAY better when we take an ordinary day and make it special!
We celebrate in the morning and at night and when the sun comes up and under the stars. Because every waking hour is an hour worth making fun!
Really, we celebrate life! Because we believe that life is better when we all celebrate and smile just a little bit more. :)
ALSO! Let's stay connected:
BLOG: www.ohyaystudio.com
FACEBOOK: oh yay studio
INSTAGRAM: @ohyaystudio